Quick Start =========== This page is best point to getting started. You can find out source code from https://github.com/hardtack/flask-swag Configuring ----------- There are two ways to configure your app for Flask-Swag, just like other flask extensions. First, you can configure on init :: from flask.ext.swag import Swag swag = Swag(app) Or you can configure later :: from .exts import swag swag.init_app(app) Swagger-UI ---------- By default, you may find out Swagger-UI on ``/swagger/ui/`` provided by blueprint. .. image:: images/screenshot.png You can customize Swagger-UI by configuring ``'SWAG_UI_ROOT'`` Marking ------- You can add additional field to `operations `_ by marking. .. code-block:: python @app.route('/users/') @swag.mark.summary("Get list of users.") @swag.mark.query('page', int) @swag.mark.response(200, "List of users.", user_list_schema) def user_index(): """ Get list of users. The result will be paginated, default page is 1. """ ... or for complex operations, you can set operation's fields directly .. code-block:: python @app.route('/users/') @swag.mark({ 'description': "Read user's info.", 'responses': { 200: { 'description': "User object." 'schema': { 'properties': { 'name': {'type': 'string'} } } } } }) def user_read(user_id): ... You can mark parameters from formencode. .. code-block:: python from .formencode_schemas import UserCreateSchema @app.route('/users/', methods=['POST']) @swag.formencode(UserCreateSchema()) def user_create(): ... And you can set resposne's schema from marshmallow. .. code-block:: python from .marshmallow_schemas import UserSchema @app.route('/users/