Source code for flask_swag.schemas


Definitions of marshmallow schema for swagger specs.

from marshmallow import Schema, fields
from .fields import TypedDict

[docs]class MappingSchema(Schema): """ Marshmallow schema whose input is mapping object. """
[docs] def get_attribute(self, attr, obj, default): return obj.get(attr, default)
[docs]class ExternalDocumentationSchema(MappingSchema): """ External documentation object schema See """ #: Description description = fields.String() #: URL url = fields.URL(required=True)
[docs]class ItemsSchema(MappingSchema): """ Items object schema Limited subset of schema object. See """ #: Type of object type = fields.String(required=True) #: Format of object type. #: See format = fields.String() #: If type is `array` items = fields.Nested('self') #: How to format collection collection_format = fields.String(dump_to='collectionFormat') #: Default value default = fields.Raw() #: Enum of available values enum = fields.List(fields.Raw()) #: Multiple of number multiple_of = fields.Number(dump_to='multipleOf') #: Maximum maximum = fields.Number() #: Exclusive maximum exclusive_maximum = fields.Number(dump_to='exclusiveMaximum') #: Minimum minimum = fields.Number() #: Exclusive minimum exclusive_minimum = fields.Number(dump_to='exclusiveMinimum') #: Maximum length max_length = fields.Integer(dump_to='maxLength') #: Minimum length min_length = fields.Integer(dump_to='minLength') #: Maximum items max_items = fields.Integer(dump_to='maxItems') #: Minimum items min_items = fields.Integer(dump_to='minItems') #: Unique number of items unique_items = fields.Integer(dump_to='uniqueItems') #: Maximum properties max_properties = fields.Integer(dump_to='maxProperties') #: Minimum properties min_properties = fields.Integer(dump_to='minProperties')
[docs]class SchemaSchema(MappingSchema): """ Schema object schema See """ #: JSON reference ref = fields.String(dump_to='$ref') #: Type of object type = fields.String(required=True) #: Format of object type. #: See format = fields.String() #: Title title = fields.String() #: Description description = fields.String() #: Default value default = fields.Raw() #: List of name of required field required = fields.List(fields.String()) #: Items items = fields.Nested(ItemsSchema) #: Validate with all of these schemas all_of = fields.Nested('self', many=True, dump_to='allOf') #: Properties of schema properties = TypedDict(fields.String(), TypedDict(fields.String(), fields.Raw())) #: Accepts additional properties? additional_properties = fields.Boolean(dump_to='additionalProperties') #: Pattern pattern = fields.String() #: Enum of available values enum = fields.List(fields.Raw()) #: Multiple of number multiple_of = fields.Number(dump_to='multipleOf') #: Maximum maximum = fields.Number() #: Exclusive maximum exclusive_maximum = fields.Number(dump_to='exclusiveMaximum') #: Minimum minimum = fields.Number() #: Exclusive minimum exclusive_minimum = fields.Number(dump_to='exclusiveMinimum') #: Maximum length max_length = fields.Integer(dump_to='maxLength') #: Minimum length min_length = fields.Integer(dump_to='minLength') #: Maximum items max_items = fields.Integer(dump_to='maxItems') #: Minimum items min_items = fields.Integer(dump_to='minItems') #: Unique number of items unique_items = fields.Integer(dump_to='uniqueItems') #: Maximum properties max_properties = fields.Integer(dump_to='maxProperties') #: Minimum properties min_properties = fields.Integer(dump_to='minProperties') #: Add support for polymorphism discriminator = fields.String() #: Is read-only? read_only = fields.Boolean(dump_to='readOnly') #: XML metadata xml = fields.String() #: Additional external document for this schema external_docs = fields.Nested(ExternalDocumentationSchema, dump_to='externalDocs') #: Free-form example of schema example = fields.Raw()
[docs]class LicenseSchema(MappingSchema): """ License object schema See """ #: Name name = fields.String(required=True) #: URL url = fields.URL()
[docs]class ContactSchema(MappingSchema): """ Contact object schema See """ #: Name name = fields.String() #: URL url = fields.URL() #: email email = fields.Email()
[docs]class InfoSchema(MappingSchema): """ Swagger API metadata object schema. See """ #: Title of application title = fields.String(required=True) #: Short description description = fields.String() #: Terms of service terms_of_service = fields.String(dump_to='termsOfService') #: Contact info for API contact = fields.Nested(ContactSchema) #: License of API license = fields.Nested(LicenseSchema) #: Version of API, not a version of swagger spec version = fields.String(required=True)
[docs]class HeaderSchema(MappingSchema): """ Header object schema See """ #: Description of the header description = fields.String() #: Type of parameter type = fields.String(required=True) #: Format of parameter format = fields.String() #: Describe items in array (if type if `array`) items = fields.Nested(ItemsSchema) #: How to format collection collection_format = fields.String(dump_to='collectionFormat') #: Pattern pattern = fields.String() #: Enum of available values enum = fields.List(fields.Raw()) #: Multiple of number multiple_of = fields.Number(dump_to='multipleOf') #: Maximum maximum = fields.Number() #: Exclusive maximum exclusive_maximum = fields.Number(dump_to='exclusiveMaximum') #: Minimum minimum = fields.Number() #: Exclusive minimum exclusive_minimum = fields.Number(dump_to='exclusiveMinimum') #: Maximum length max_length = fields.Integer(dump_to='maxLength') #: Minimum length min_length = fields.Integer(dump_to='minLength') #: Maximum items max_items = fields.Integer(dump_to='maxItems') #: Minimum items min_items = fields.Integer(dump_to='minItems') #: Unique number of items unique_items = fields.Integer(dump_to='uniqueItems') #: Examples examples = TypedDict(fields.String(), fields.Raw())
[docs]class ParameterSchema(MappingSchema): """ Parameter object schema See """ #: Parameter name name = fields.String(required=True) #: In where? in_ = fields.String(dump_to='in') #: Brief description description = fields.String() #: Is required field? required = fields.Boolean() # If `in` is `body` # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #: Body's schema schema = fields.Nested(SchemaSchema) # If `in` is not `body` # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #: Type of parameter type = fields.String() #: Format of parameter format = fields.String() #: Allows empty value? allow_empty_value = fields.Boolean(dump_to='allowEmptyValue') #: Describe items in array (if type if `array`) items = fields.Nested(ItemsSchema) #: How to format collection collection_format = fields.String(dump_to='collectionFormat') #: Pattern pattern = fields.String() #: Enum of available values enum = fields.List(fields.Raw()) #: Multiple of number multiple_of = fields.Number(dump_to='multipleOf') #: Maximum maximum = fields.Number() #: Exclusive maximum exclusive_maximum = fields.Number(dump_to='exclusiveMaximum') #: Minimum minimum = fields.Number() #: Exclusive minimum exclusive_minimum = fields.Number(dump_to='exclusiveMinimum') #: Maximum length max_length = fields.Integer(dump_to='maxLength') #: Minimum length min_length = fields.Integer(dump_to='minLength') #: Maximum items max_items = fields.Integer(dump_to='maxItems') #: Minimum items min_items = fields.Integer(dump_to='minItems') #: Unique number of items unique_items = fields.Integer(dump_to='uniqueItems')
[docs]class ResponseSchema(MappingSchema): """ Single response object schema See """ #: Description of response description = fields.String(required=True) #: Response body's structure schema = fields.Nested(SchemaSchema) #: Headers of response headers = TypedDict(fields.String(), fields.Nested(HeaderSchema))
[docs]class OperationSchema(MappingSchema): """ Single API operation on path object schema See """ #: List of tags tags = fields.List(fields.String()) #: Short summary of operation should be less than 120 chars. #: But we'll not define max length for capability. summary = fields.String() #: Long description of operation description = fields.String() #: Additional external document external_docs = fields.Nested(ExternalDocumentationSchema, dump_to='externalDocs') #: Optional unique ID for the operaion operation_id = fields.String(dump_to='operationId') #: MIME types can be consumed consumes = fields.List(fields.String()) #: MIME types can be produced produces = fields.List(fields.String()) #: Parameters parameters = fields.Nested(ParameterSchema, many=True) #: Map ofresponses of the operation #: The key is status code (int) or 'default' responses = TypedDict(fields.Raw(), fields.Nested(ResponseSchema)) #: Schemes that is supported by this operation schemes = fields.List(fields.String()) #: Is deprecated operation? deprecated = fields.Boolean()
# TODO: Add security field
[docs]class PathItemSchema(MappingSchema): """ Path item object schema See """ #: GET method for this path item get = fields.Nested(OperationSchema) #: POST method for this path item post = fields.Nested(OperationSchema) #: PUT method for this path item put = fields.Nested(OperationSchema) #: DELETE method for this path item delete = fields.Nested(OperationSchema) #: OPTIONS method for this path item options = fields.Nested(OperationSchema) #: HEAD method for this path item head = fields.Nested(OperationSchema) #: PATCH method for this path item patch = fields.Nested(OperationSchema) #: Parameters parameters = fields.Nested(ParameterSchema, many=True)
[docs]class SwaggerSchema(MappingSchema): """ Root swagger document object schema. See """ #: Swagger spec version. version = fields.String(required=True, dump_to='swagger') #: API Metadata info = fields.Nested(InfoSchema, required=True) #: Host address of API server host = fields.String() #: Prefix of API URL. Must be started with `/` base_path = fields.String(dump_to='basePath') #: Schemes of API server schemes = fields.List(fields.String()) #: MIME types can be consumed consumes = fields.List(fields.String()) #: MIME types can be produced produces = fields.List(fields.String()) #: Paths of API paths = TypedDict(fields.String(), fields.Nested(PathItemSchema)) #: Definitions definitions = TypedDict(fields.String(), fields.Nested(SchemaSchema)) #: Predefined parameters that can be reused parameters = TypedDict(fields.String(), fields.Nested(ParameterSchema)) #: Predefined responses that can be reused responses = TypedDict(fields.String(), fields.Nested(ResponseSchema)) #: Additional external document external_docs = fields.Nested(ExternalDocumentationSchema, dump_to='externalDocs')
# TODO: Add securty, securityDefinitions, tags fields