Source code for flask_swag.extractor.base


Base & default implmentation class of extractor.

import io
import inspect
import collections

from flask import Flask
from werkzeug.routing import parse_rule, parse_converter_args

from ..core import PathItem, Operation, Parameter, Response
from ..utils import get_type_base, TYPE_MAP, parse_endpoint, \
    merge, normalize_indent

_MISSING = object()

    'float': float,
    'path': str,
    'any': str,
    'default': str,
    'uuid': str,
    'int': int,
    'string': str,

WerkzeugConverter = collections.namedtuple(
    'WerkzeugConverter', ['converter', 'args', 'kwargs'])
PathAndParams = collections.namedtuple('PathAndParams', ['path', 'params'])
PathAndPathItem = collections.namedtuple('PathAndPathItem', ['path', 'item'])

[docs]class Extractor(object): """ Base class that extract swagger spec from flask application. You can extract path items from app by using :meth:`extract_paths` and customize converting method by overriding them. """
[docs] def convert_werkzeug_converter(self, name: str, converter: WerkzeugConverter, ctx: dict): """Convert werkzeug converter to swagger parameter object.""" python_type = CONVERTER_TYPES.get(converter.converter, None) type_base = get_type_base(python_type) if type_base is None: return None return Parameter(name=name, in_="path", required=True, **type_base)
[docs] def convert_annotation(self, name, annotation, ctx: dict): """Convert function annotation to swagger parameter object.""" if annotation is None: return None if not isinstance(annotation, type): return None type_base = None for available_type in TYPE_MAP: if issubclass(annotation, available_type): type_base = get_type_base(available_type) break if type_base is None: return None return Parameter(name=name, in_='path', **type_base)
[docs] def parse_werkzeug_rule(self, rule: str, ctx: dict) -> PathAndParams: """ Convert werkzeug rule to swagger path format and extract parameter info. """ params = {} with io.StringIO() as buf: for converter, arguments, variable in parse_rule(rule): if converter: if arguments is not None: args, kwargs = parse_converter_args(arguments) else: args = () kwargs = {} params[variable] = WerkzeugConverter( converter=converter, args=args, kwargs=kwargs, ) buf.write('{') buf.write(variable) buf.write('}') else: buf.write(variable) return PathAndParams(buf.getvalue(), params)
[docs] def extract_description(self, view, ctx: dict) -> str: """Extract description info from view function.""" doc = getattr(view, '__doc__', None) or None if not doc: return None return normalize_indent(doc)
[docs] def extract_summary(self, view, ctx) -> str: """Extract brief description from view function.""" description = self.extract_description(view, ctx) if not description: return None return description.strip().split('\n', 1)[0][:120].strip()
[docs] def extract_param(self, view, name, ctx: dict): """Extract path parameters info from view function.""" signature = inspect.signature(view) if name not in signature.parameters: return None parameter = signature.parameters.get(name) annotation = parameter.annotation return self.convert_annotation(name, annotation, ctx)
[docs] def default_path_param(self, name, ctx: dict): return Parameter( name=name, in_='path', required=True, **get_type_base(str) )
[docs] def extract_responses(self, view, ctx: dict): return { 'default': Response( description='' ), }
[docs] def build_parameters(self, view, param_info, ctx: dict) -> list: """ Build parameters from path params and view params. path params have higher order. """ parameters = [] for name, converter in param_info.items(): parameter = self.convert_werkzeug_converter(name, converter, ctx) if parameter is None: parameter = self.extract_param(view, name, ctx) if parameter is None: parameter = self.default_path_param(name, ctx) parameters.append(parameter) return parameters
[docs] def extract_others(self, view, ctx: dict): """Extract other fields from view & context.""" return {}
[docs] def make_operation(self, view, params: dict, ctx: dict): """Convert view to swagger opration object.""" description = self.extract_description(view, ctx) summary = self.extract_summary(view, ctx) parameters = self.build_parameters(view, params, ctx) responses = self.extract_responses(view, ctx) others = self.extract_others(view, merge(ctx, { 'params': params, })) kwargs = dict( description=description, summary=summary, parameters=parameters, responses=responses, ) kwargs.update(others) return Operation(**kwargs)
[docs] def make_path_item(self, app: Flask, rule: str, endpoints: dict, ctx: dict) -> PathAndPathItem: """Make path item from rule and endpoints collected by HTTP methods.""" path, params = self.parse_werkzeug_rule(rule, ctx) operations = {} for method, endpoint in endpoints.items(): view = app.view_functions[endpoint] operations[method.lower()] = self.make_operation( view, params, merge(ctx, { 'endpoint': endpoint, 'path': path, 'method': method, })) return PathAndPathItem( path=path, item=PathItem(**operations), )
[docs] def collect_endpoints(self, app: Flask, blueprint=_MISSING, endpoint=None, exclude_blueprint=_MISSING, exclude_endpoint=None) \ -> dict: """Collect endpoints in rules. :param blueprint: name of blueprints to be collected. :const:`None` means non-blueprint endpoints. It cat either be list or string. :param endpoint: endpoints to be collected. It cat either be list or string. :param exclude_blueprint: blueprints not to be collected. :param exclude_endpoint: endpoint not to be collected. """ if blueprint is not _MISSING: if blueprint is None or isinstance(blueprint, str): blueprint = (blueprint,) if isinstance(endpoint, str): endpoint = (endpoint,) if exclude_blueprint is not _MISSING: if exclude_blueprint is None or isinstance(exclude_blueprint, str): exclude_blueprint = (exclude_blueprint,) if isinstance(exclude_endpoint, str): exclude_endpoint = (exclude_endpoint,) endpoints = {} for rule in app.url_map.iter_rules(): if blueprint is not _MISSING: rule_blueprint, rule_endpoint = parse_endpoint(rule.endpoint) if rule_blueprint not in blueprint: continue if endpoint and rule_endpoint not in endpoint: continue elif endpoint and rule.endpoint not in endpoint: continue if exclude_blueprint is not _MISSING: rule_blueprint, rule_endpoint = parse_endpoint(rule.endpoint) if rule_blueprint in exclude_blueprint: continue if exclude_endpoint and rule_endpoint in exclude_endpoint: continue elif exclude_endpoint and rule.endpoint in exclude_endpoint: continue methods = rule.methods.difference({'HEAD', 'OPTIONS'}) method_collection = endpoints.setdefault(rule.rule, {}) for method in methods: method_collection[method] = rule.endpoint return endpoints
[docs] def extract_paths(self, app: Flask, blueprint=_MISSING, endpoint=None, exclude_blueprint=_MISSING, exclude_endpoint=None): """Extract path items from flask app. :param blueprint: name of blueprints to be collected. :const:`None` means non-blueprint endpoints. It cat either be list or string. :param endpoint: endpoints to be collected. It cat either be list or string. :param exclude_blueprint: blueprints not to be collected. :param exclude_endpoint: endpoint not to be collected. """ endpoints = self.collect_endpoints(app, blueprint, endpoint, exclude_blueprint, exclude_endpoint) paths = {} for rule, methods in endpoints.items(): ctx = { 'rule': rule, 'methods': methods, 'app': app, } path, path_item = self.make_path_item(app, rule, methods, ctx) paths[path] = path_item return paths